Ready To Dominate Social Media Like Never Before?

It’s another day during which you check to see what happened with your social networks. Sadly, nothing has changed. You have the same number of followers. Maybe you gained a new follower today, but the number didn’t change much.
You look at your social media posts and see that you’re getting the same number of likes and retweets. Those numbers are quite small for many or even all of your social media posts. Your blog traffic from social media looks like a flatline. No opportunities are rolling in. You wonder if anyone is listening to your message as you bounce from one social network to the next.

ROI? Forget about it. Getting traction on social media is hard enough let alone getting a return on your time spent on social media. It's a digital desert over here for crying out loud!
But why isn’t it working for you? Social media is changing businesses all around the world. Businesses previously unheard of used social media to jump into the spotlight. They continue using social media this day to build an audience of loyal customers. It seems like some people have the magic touch with social media.
They become popular on every social network they pursue. They don't dwell in the digital desert. They thrive in their digital empires.
I know what you’re thinking. “I wish I was them. I wish every time I posted something on social media, people saw it, engaged, and became customers.”

Oh those beautiful arrows!
Some people view this ambition as a fantasy land. Others view it as a reality. I am one of the social media marketing masters. My social media journey started out as an egg avatar. I hatched a few minutes later by changing my profile picture. Social media’s concept boggled my mind. I could spread my message and make a full-time income by mastering social media. With all of those thoughts flowing in my mind, I quickly wrote my bio and sent my first tweet.

That's definitely what my first avatar looked like 🙂
Then I got the crickets. I sent a second tweet and got the crickets too. I managed to get my way up to 1,667 Twitter followers, but at that point, I was stuck. Even with over 1,000 followers, my tweets didn’t get much traction. Did I just waste a year of my time building a Twitter audience of 1,667 people? This is when I fell into the trap.
I gave up on Twitter and took Facebook seriously. I concluded that although Twitter didn’t work, Facebook would surely work. With each of my posts, I got more crickets. My mom would have been horrified (she hates crickets with a burning passion). I bounced from social network to social network. The quantity of social media posts…and crickets…continued to grow.
As I became more confused and frustrated with my social media strategy, I concluded that enough was enough. I abandoned all of my social networks to focus on Twitter again. I saw some success there, and I was determined to grow my audience. I did countless hours of research to figure out how to grow on Twitter. I soon learned the difference between an audience and a targeted audience. After doing more research and implementing what I learned, I got myself the best cricket bug spray on the market (a.k.a. I discovered the winning formula).
Now I gain over 10,000 Twitter followers every month. Just a few months ago, I passed 300,000 Twitter followers. My tweets get over 100,000 impressions every day. By mastering Twitter, I quickly learned how to master the other social networks. Similar to the romance languages, once you master any social network, it becomes MUCH easier to master all of the social networks around you.
"Marc Guberti is an old wise soul with a baby face, but as soon as he starts discussing his expertise you immediately forget the youth and focus on his experience and results. He is a walking example of someone whom became self-actualized at a young age and a prodigy at his craft. Like a young Mozart, the best is yet to come and he is truly a gift to those creatives looking to make an impact in the world. I highly recommend teaming up with Marc and taking your vision for your life to the next level with his guidance and expertise."

--Mark Podolsky, The Land Geek and host of The Art Of Passive Income Podcast
Soon enough, I was crushing it on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and just about all of the other social networks out there. I got to this level by focusing all of my effort on Twitter and conducting hours of research on top of my school work.
Of course, I’m making this all sound simpler than it really is. I read thousands of blog posts and books on social media. I watched numerous videos and training courses. Basically, I did YEARS of research to reach this point. I put all of that research and more into this course. Instead of taking several years to learn the same knowledge, you’ll get all of that knowledge in a few WEEKS.
When your desert turns into an empire...

But let’s get more clear on what it means to dominate social media. Dominating social media does not mean having large quantities of your followers on all of your social networks. I don’t dominate social media because I have over 500,000 followers spread across my accounts. You can get more than 500,000 followers in a few days by purchasing them…although those followers won’t make you more successful than you currently are.
Social media domination is based on your ability to build a targeted audience that results in business growth and opportunity expansion. Looking back at my journey, social media was without a question the spark plug to my blog’s success. 2014 was the first year I started to really dominate social media.
The year before, I got a total of 14,275 views for my blog. In 2014, I got 249,421 views. The only difference was that I had a large, targeted social media audience. That year, over 100,000 blog views came from social media.
In one year, my blog’s traffic increased by 1747%. How much would that change your business? How much would that change your life?
As I continued on my social media journey, I learned that social media is more than a traffic generating MACHINE. I learned that you can land opportunities on social media that were previously available to you. I can’t even begin to count the number of podcast interviews and guest blogging opportunities that came directly from social media.

For instance, CrazyEgg (a blog with an Alexa rank hovering towards 10,000) contacted me through Twitter requesting that I write a guest post. This opportunity wouldn’t have presented itself if it weren’t for my domination of the social networks.
As I grew a tribe around my content with social media, I gained more credibility. Media outlets began contacting me for expert advice and to hear about my story. For many years, I did everything I possibly could to get on The Huffington Post. Once the state was right, I was directly contacted by a Huffington Post writer who wanted to feature me. It wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t dominated social media first.
None of this would be possible if I didn't dominate social media first.

The opportunities, traffic generation capabilities, and customer reach are endless…but only if you learn to dominate the social networks. Right now, you have two choices. You can either continue doing what you currently do and feel stuck with the results you’ve been getting.

But I recommend taking the second choice and getting the social media results you have always dreamed of. Total Social Media Domination is a $47/month membership site that gets updated biweekly with new videos and PDFs. By investing in your future, you’ll get my expert analysis on your favorite social networks so you can crush them in a shorter period of time.
I’m already throwing massive value into TSMD, but because I take your success seriously, I am adding a bonus. Not only will you get detailed tutorials on dominating the social networks, but you’ll get tutorials on how to dominate everything that happens outside of social media. When someone clicks on your social media post and heads over to your blog, what happens? How do you turn those blog visitors into customers? How do you get blog visitors to stick around longer? And of course, the million dollar question, how do you get an ROI from social media? I address all of those questions and more within the TSMD membership dashboard.
You can get results like this too 🙂

And the cool part is that you don’t have to do any of the learning alone. All TSMD members get access to the private Facebook group page in which you can interact with each other and ask me your questions. I’ll be answering your questions for at least one hour every week.
Exclusive to all TSMD members

If you are ready to dominate social media on a whole new level, then it’s time for you to take action. Become a member of TSMD today. The first 30 days of your membership cost just $1 and then it’s $47/month from that point forward. All you have to do is put a George Washington forward to learn how to dominate social media. I know that the only way you’ll stick around is if I create a strong impression on you. The truth is $1 for access isn’t enough to support myself, so the risk is all mine.
I’ll stop talking because no matter how long I talk, you still have a choice to make. You can either continue getting the same results you’ve always been getting or rise to a new level of social media prominence. TSMD will provide you with the knowledge to achieve the level of prominence you’ve been dreaming of. Now it’s just a matter of you enrolling into the membership site and taking action so you get better results…today.